10 Common Habits That Can Damage Your Kidneys

2. Consuming too much salt and sugar

10 Common Habits That Can Damage Your Kidneys, chronic kidney disease
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95% of the sodium consumed with foods is metabolized by your kidneys. So if you eat too many salty products, your organs have to work much harder in order to get rid of the excess sodium. Eventually, this may result in the reduced function of your kidneys and lead to retention of water in your body that, in turn, can increase your blood pressure.

The excessive consumption of sugar may also contribute to the development of high blood pressure, as well as, lead to obesity and increase the risk of diabetes. These are the leading causes of kidney failure.

The recommended intake of salt is about 3.75 grams (or 0.75 tsp) a day, for sugar it’s about 25-38 grams (or 6-9 tsp). To keep your kidneys healthy, pay attention to the ingredients when buying goods at a supermarket — processed and packaged foods are usually high in both sodium and sugar.


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